News and Announcements

To all student athletes, thank you for your cooperation so far in the tryout process – all went smoothly for day 1.

Day 2 – there could be some showers passing through this afternoon, so please bring warm clothing. Again, report to the track field house after school, and we will do our best to get day 2 tryouts in. Jumps/throws will be doing different testing each day, perhaps some indoors dependent on the weather.

See you again this afternoon,
Coach Kami

No winter track tomorrow Friday 2/28/20, so all can rest up!
Spring track tryouts begin Monday, March 2, after school. Get changed at the school, then immediately report down to the track field house to check in.
Athletes will NOT be permitted to tryout if physical/recert forms have not been turned in! Any athlete who turns in his/her form tomorrow Friday or Monday will receive a pink slip to turn into Coach Kami to be permitted to tryout. Please click on the attached tryout schedule.
See you Monday,
Coach Kami

4 more EHS indoor records were broken today at Lehigh Carnival meet! Congrats to the following: Girls 4×8 (Hailey Reinhard, Madison Brown, Kaia Berrio, Kera Reinhard) with another 14 second drop 10:03.25, Boys 4×8 (Mark Magee, Paul Petre, Colin Schaffer, Holden Brown) with another 5 second drop 8:30.02, Alanna Smith in the open 200m with a 26.64, and the boys 4×4 (Jakob Smolinsky, Matthew Bruchak, Jaiden Acevedo, Brendon Ward) with a 3:41.21!

2 more weeks until outdoor spring tryouts – please see previous announcement for information on what you need to do before tryouts!

Reminder no practice on Monday due to no school! See you Wednesday!
Coach Kami

Spring track tryouts begin Monday March 2, after school, down at the EHS track stadium. 3 simple things you need to do in order to tryout:
1. Sign up on the google document form:
2. Turn in either your RECERTIFICATION or PHYSICAL form to the athletic office by Feb 21 (both under documents)
The RECERTIFICATION form is a form signed by your parent. This form is for any athlete who has already had a physical/participated in another high school sport. If you have had an injury that required a doctor’s attention during your previous sport, the doctor also needs to sign this form.
The PHYSICAL form is a form for those of you who have not already had a physical this school year.
3. 9th and 11th graders or anyone who has not had one already, need an impact test. If you have already had an impact test as a 9th or 11th grader this school year, then you are fine.

Parents and athletes, if you would like to join our track remind, the remind text group code is: @emmaustra2

Additional information:
Physicals for Outdoor spring track (for any student who has not had a physical yet this school year) will be held on Wednesday Feb 12: Girls at 3:40pm and Boys at 4:30pm. If you already have a physical from another sport or already done, you must turn in a recertification physical form which simply requires a parent signature.

Impact testing for Outdoor spring track (for any student who has not had impact testing yet) will be held on Wednesday Feb 19 promptly at 3:00 pm.

First step to signing up for the Spring track team is by filling out this google form:

Second step is attending outdoor track sign-ups on Tuesday, Feb 4, after school in the cafeteria. Students must sign up in order to try out for the Spring Track Team. Tryout schedule and process will be discussed at that time.

Physicals for Outdoor spring track (for any student who has not had a physical yet this school year) will be held on Wednesday Feb 12: Girls at 3:40pm and Boys at 4:30pm. If you already have a physical from another sport or already done, you must turn in a recertification physical form which simply requires a parent signature.

Impact testing for Outdoor spring track (for any student who has not had impact testing yet) will be held on Wednesday Feb 19 promptly at 3:00 pm.

Any questions, just email Coach Kami at or