

In-person practices starting Dec. 2, outside only, following strict EPSD Health and Safety Guidelines

Posted by Emmaus High School Track and Field Team on Nov 26 2020 at 07:02AM PST


I hope you all are taking time to appreciate time with your friends and family today, and enjoying this weather. I’m sure you all will be getting outside for some exercise!

It is with excitement and caution to let you know that Winter Track has been approved to practice outdoors, in-person, beginning as planned on Dec. 2. I just received this news yesterday.

******No forms = no practice********

Email them to me (all were sent in previous emails) or bring them to me at practice

In order to attend, please fill out the google form above ASAP, by Saturday November 28, 2020. We will be following strict guidelines, which will be emailed out again before our first practice. If anything changes, or there is a weather-related cancel, we have virtual practices ready to go.

Please email me with any questions or concerns, and we can’t wait to see you all and start training,
Coach Kami